What woman does not dream of a graceful waist and slim legs? How much effort, time and nerves are needed for the precious parameters. Today, the Japanese diet is very popular, the ideal option to lose weight quickly. Perfect if you need to lose weight in a short time, before an important event. The Japanese diet has many positive reviews and has long established itself as one of the most effective. On average, thanks to the Japanese diet, you can lose weight of 8-10 kg in fourteen days. The result is excellent, but you have to show great resistance. Not in vain they say that to acquire the grace of a geisha it is necessary to have the patience of a samurai. So gather your will into a fist: we have a difficult road in fourteen days, which will undoubtedly please with a good result
Japanese diet: basic principles
Let's take a closer look at the Japanese diet. How is she? Now it is difficult to say exactly who the author of this diet is. It is only known that it was developed in one of the Japanese clinics. But don't be fooled, there is nothing Japanese about the diet. All the ingredients are as close as possible to a European, you can buy them in any store and they are all very cheap.

The basic principle of the diet is based on the almost total absence of carbohydrates and fats, the prohibition of salt, sugar and spices, and a very small number of servings.
With the right approach, you will not only see good results, but you will also be able to keep the weight off for years to come. Just keep in mind that after going off the diet, you definitely shouldn't go all out and indulge in gluttony; Not only will you put on weight again, it will also deal a serious blow to your health. Physical exercises have not been canceled either, without them any diet will be ineffective.
Important: This diet can be repeated only after two or three years, and it is absolutely impossible to continue it for more than fourteen days; the Japanese diet is one of the strictest and non-compliance with the rules can seriously affect health.
Japanese diet: contraindications
The Japanese diet for 14 days has strict contraindications:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, any form of peptic ulcer, liver disease;
- Endocrine system diseases, hormonal imbalance;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Kidney disease;
- Pregnancy;
- Lactation period;
- Adolescence;
- High physical and mental stress.
If you experience painful sensations, weakness, headaches, deterioration of health, you should immediately stop the diet and consult a doctor!
If you are unsure of your abilities, consult your doctor before starting a diet. You need to lose weight correctly and safely!
Japanese diet 14 days: basic rules
The basic and most important rule of the Japanese diet is to follow a plan. You can not independently vary the diet and replace the products. The Japanese diet is tough too because not only is the full list of acceptable foods painted, but also the number of meals and a clear menu for each of them. If you decide on this diet, you must strictly follow the rules. Not only the final result depends on this, but also the state of your health. Therefore, before you start, think carefully about whether you and your body can cope with such a regimen.
Let's learn the basic rules of the Japanese diet:
- Both entering and leaving the Japanese diet should only be done with prior preparation. A few days before starting the diet, give up sweet, floury and high-calorie foods. Cut back on your portion size gradually. At the end of the diet, do not rush to eat immediately. Gradually introduce high-calorie, salty, sweet, or spicy foods into your menu. So that the body does not experience unnecessary shocks.
- During the Japanese diet, it is very important to follow a strict drinking regimen: drink at least 1. 5 liters of clean water a day. This will ensure the removal of animal protein processing products, excess salts. Since this diet prohibits salt intake, there will be more moisture loss than usual; this must be compensated. Drink on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before the first meal, 1-2 glasses of water. This can be done even after the end of the diet; This is how the body wakes up in the morning, starts the digestive system, helps to cleanse and eliminate toxins.
- Eliminate salt, sugar and other spices completely. If you absolutely cannot do without salt, it is allowed to use a minimal amount of this product. But it is best to leave it completely, at the end of the diet you will understand how much salt you used before. But with regard to sugar and spices, the ban is strict: instead of spices, you can use a little lemon juice.
- Food portions should be minimal, don't overeat (unlikely to be successful, but still). During the diet, the walls of the stomach should contract, which will ensure less hunger later on and a faster satiety.
- Despite the minimal amount of food, the diet is quite balanced. You will get the necessary protein from eggs, lean meat, and fish. From meat and fresh vegetables and fruits, your body will receive carbohydrates and fiber, which are necessary for normal digestion. There will be virtually no fat, the only source is high-quality vegetable oil. It is best to use extra virgin olive oil, but you can choose between flaxseed, pumpkin, etc.
- The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime. This rule is universal for everyone and should be followed not only during the diet. Falling asleep on a full stomach not only adds extra pounds, but also leads to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Japanese diet menu: allowed and prohibited foods
Let's take a closer look at which foods are acceptable for the Japanese diet, and which ones will need to be forgotten for two weeks. First, let's find out what foods we will be eating for the next two weeks. Although you will have to forget about all the tasty and more or less high-calorie foods, there is good news: the Japanese diet will not only help you lose weight, but also save money. All the necessary products are very cheap and affordable. So, in the end, you will not only be able to put on your favorite dress, which has not fit for several years, but you will also be able to save money for new shoes.
See product list for Japanese diets:
- Good instant coffee or green leaf tea (whichever you prefer);
- Chicken eggs (can be replaced with quail; their weight ratio is 1: 4);
- Cold pressed olive oil or any other good vegetable oil;
- Cabbage or lettuce (any variety except kohlrabi);
- Carrots; Zucchini or eggplant;
- Chicken fillet;
- Sea fish fillet (lean - hake, pollock, panga, etc. ) Lean beef fillet;
- Kefir or low-fat plain yogurt;
- tomato juice;
- Lemons;
- Low-fat cheese;
- Rye biscuits;
- Fresh fruits, low in sugars;
- Pure still water.

Now let's look at the list of foods that should be completely excluded from your diet:
- Fatty meat, fish;
- Any dairy product, cottage cheese, sweet yogurt;
- Bakery, confectionery; Pasta, cereals;
- Sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, figs, persimmons, etc. ) Vegetables other than those indicated on the list of acceptable foods;
- Sugar, salt, spices, condiments, sauces;
- Semi-finished products, instant foods;
- Smoked fried foods;
- Sweet, carbonated alcoholic beverages.
The list is huge and lovers of tasty food can immediately cause depression. But you shouldn't be sad: temporary food deprivation will only benefit you. Stock up on patience and willpower and confidently begin the two-week journey to harmony.
14 Day Japanese Diet Menu Chart
There are abbreviated five-, seven-, and thirteen-day versions of the Japanese diet, but the classic 14-day version is considered the most effective. Consider the full menu of the two-week Japanese diet on the table.
Days | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner |
1 | A cup of unsweetened coffee and milk or green tea, a slice of toasted rye bread. | Cabbage stewed in a little oil, two hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice. Cabbage can be replaced with fresh salad, drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. | Boiled or steamed fish 200g. |
2 | A cup of unsweetened coffee and milk or green tea, a slice of dry rye bread. | Steamed fish 200g, stewed or chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil. | Boiled beef 100g, a glass of low-fat kefir. |
3 | An empty cup of coffee or tea, rye toast. | Zucchini or aubergine fried in vegetable oil. | 200g boiled beef, chopped raw cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil, two hard-boiled eggs. |
4 | Fresh carrots grated with a tablespoon of lemon juice. | Steamed fish 200g, a glass of tomato juice. | Fruits without sugar 200g. |
5 | Fresh carrots grated with a tablespoon of lemon juice. | Steamed fish 200g, a glass of tomato juice. | Fruits without sugar 200g. |
6 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea. | Chicken cooked or baked in aluminum foil 500g, chopped cabbage salad, grated carrot and a tablespoon of olive oil. | Finely grated carrots, two hard-boiled eggs. |
7 | A cup of unsweetened green tea or coffee. | Boiled beef 200g. | 200g of unsweetened fruit, 200g of boiled fish, or fresh carrots and two eggs, or 200g of boiled beef and a glass of skimmed kefir. |
8 | A cup of unsweetened green tea or coffee. | Chicken boiled or baked in aluminum foil 500g, fresh cabbage salad and grated carrot with a tablespoon of olive oil. | Carrots grated with a tablespoon of olive oil, two hard-boiled eggs. |
9 | Grated carrot sprinkled with lemon juice. | Boiled or steamed fish, a glass of tomato juice. | Fruits without sugar 200g. |
10 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea. | A piece of low-fat cheese 50g, three medium grated carrots with a tablespoon of olive oil, a boiled egg. | Fruits without sugar 200g. |
11 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea, rye toast. | Two zucchini or aubergines fried or baked with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. | Beef baked in foil or boiled 200g, 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil. |
12 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea. | Steamed or boiled fish 200g, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil. | Baked in foil or 200g boiled beef, a glass of skim kefir or yogurt. |
13 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea. | Chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil, two boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice. | Boiled or steamed fish 200g. |
14 | A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea. | Boiled or steamed fish 200g, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil. | Baked in foil or 200g boiled beef, a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt |
Before starting a diet, you can print this chart and hang it on the refrigerator; it is very convenient to visually monitor the daily menu.
It is recommended to attach a photo of a dress next to you that you can wear after losing those extra pounds; good motivation helps you not lose strength.
Japanese diet menu list for 14 days for every day
1. Day One
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar and milk or green tea, a slice of dry rye bread.
- Lunch: Cabbage stewed in a little oil, two hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice. Cabbage can be replaced with fresh salad, drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil.
- Dinner: Boiled or steamed fish 200g.
2. Day Two
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee or tea without sugar, a piece of rye bread or a crouton.
- Lunch: Steamed fish 200g, stewed or chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of low-fat kefir.
3. Day Three
- Breakfast: An empty cup of coffee or tea, rye croutons.
- Lunch: Zucchini or aubergine fried in vegetable oil.
- Dinner: 200 g of boiled veal, chopped raw cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil, two hard-boiled eggs.
4. Day four
- Breakfast: Fresh grated carrots with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Lunch: Steamed fish 200g, a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner: Fruits without sugar 200g.
5. Day Five
- Breakfast: Fresh grated carrots with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Lunch: Steamed fish 200g, a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner: Fruits without sugar 200g.
6. Day six
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
- Lunch: 500g chicken boiled or baked in aluminum foil, chopped cabbage salad, grated carrots and a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Dinner: finely grated carrots, two hard-boiled eggs.
7. Day Seven
- Breakfast: A cup of green tea or coffee without sugar.
- Lunch: Boiled beef 200g.
- Dinner: 200 g of unsweetened fruit, 200 g of boiled fish, fresh carrots and two eggs, or 200 g of boiled beef and a glass of low-fat kefir.
8. Day 8
- Breakfast: A cup of green tea or coffee without sugar.
- Lunch: Chicken boiled or baked in 500g aluminum foil, fresh cabbage salad and grated carrots with a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Dinner: grated carrots with a tablespoon of olive oil, two boiled eggs.
9. Day Nine
- Breakfast: Grated carrots sprinkled with lemon juice.
- Lunch: Boiled or steamed fish, a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner: Fruits without sugar 200g.
10. Day ten
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
- Lunch: A 50g piece of low-fat cheese, three medium grated carrots with a tablespoon of olive oil, a boiled egg.
- Dinner: Fruits without sugar 200g.
11. Day eleven
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea, rye croutons.
- Lunch: Two fried or baked zucchini or eggplant with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
- Dinner: Baked in foil or 200g boiled beef, 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil.
12. Day twelve
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
- Lunch: Steamed or boiled fish 200g, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Dinner: 200g baked in foil or boiled beef, a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.
13. Day thirteen
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
- Lunch: Chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil, two hard-boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner: Boiled or steamed fish 200g.
14. Day fourteen
- Breakfast: A cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
- Lunch: 200g boiled or steamed fish, chopped cabbage with a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Dinner: 200g baked in foil or boiled beef, a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.

The correct way out of the Japanese diet
After a difficult psychological preparation and two weeks of a harsh, almost hungry regime, a final stage will follow, not least, the exit from the Japanese diet. It has already been said that the exit must be gradual, it is absolutely impossible to immediately introduce all kinds of products into the diet and increase the portions. This will not only lead to weight regain, but also serious health problems. The first large lunch will cause nausea, vomiting, and severe pain. After a two-week diet marathon, your stomach just won't be ready for such stress.
To avoid shaking the body, after completing the diet, follow these rules:
- Returning to your normal diet immediately after the end of the diet will not work. This will have to be done gradually, within a week or two. Little by little introducing the usual products, slightly expanding the portion.
- Start expanding your diet with the introduction of heavy carbohydrates: cereals, fruits and vegetables. Add one or two items to the menu every day. Gradually increase the calorie content of your food.
- Salt intake should also be minimized in the first days, this is necessary to avoid damaging the kidneys. After finishing the diet, you are unlikely to have a serious need for salt. Most of the time, in the diet we are used to, there is much more salt than a person normally should. The Japanese diet can be a great excuse to switch to a healthy, low-salt diet.
- Try not to go back to high calorie junk food after you quit smoking. Make a balanced diet a good habit. This will allow you not only to maintain your figure, but also your health.
- Don't forget about physical activity. Both during and after the diet. With a sedentary lifestyle, almost any diet will be ineffective. To stay healthy and beautiful, you need to make friends with sports. Don't treat training as punishment, because playing sports can be a lot of fun.
And one more thing, in the first few days after completing the diet, you can suddenly gain a couple of kilograms. Don't be alarmed, this is just a liquid that will be removed more slowly due to the fact that you start to consume salt.
Otherwise, if you've followed the rules, there should be no nasty surprises.